lunedì 9 dicembre 2024

EU and Mercosur reach political agreement on groundbreaking partnership

(...) This agreement comes at a critical time for both sides, presenting opportunities for major mutual gains through strengthened geopolitical, economic, sustainability and security cooperation.

  • It will boost strategic trade and political ties between like-minded and reliable partners.
  • It will support economic growth, boost competitiveness and strengthen resilience on both sides by opening up trade and investment opportunities and securing sustainable access and processing of raw materials.
  • It represents a major milestone in fighting climate change with strong, specific and measurable commitments to stop deforestation.
  • It considers the interests of all Europeans, including the critically important EU farming sector. It will help increase EU agri-food exports while protecting sensitive sectors.
  • It upholds the EU's standards on animal health and food safety, preventing unsafe products from entering our market. (...)

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