martedì 13 febbraio 2024

Boosting the twin transition through innovation: inspiring practices and tools from across Europe

Today, the Joint Research Centre has published, together with the Committee of Regions, a document that aims to accompany territories towards innovative initiatives for place-based transformations.

The report Innovation for place-based transformations: ACTIONbook, practices and tools, is a comprehensive hands-on resource set to empower local, regional and national stakeholders across Europe to drive societal well-being and climate-resilient development through strategic partnerships and purpose-driven actions. 

The approach is a result of collaborative efforts with stakeholders involved in the Partnerships for Regional Innovation (PRI) initiative, which builds on smart specialisation for regional economic development. The PRI underscores the importance of interterritorial collaboration, network building, multi-level governance, and coordinated policy action at local, regional, and national levels. It emphasises the need of meaningful involvement of stakeholders, including individuals, businesses, knowledge institutions, and local authorities, in policy efforts aimed at transformative and system-level innovation. 

This report consists of three documents: The ACTIONbook, a collection of practices, and a set of tools. They provide together a concise overview of activities for transformative innovation, the tools one can use to enact them, and examples on how some territories have embedded such activities in their practices.  (...)


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