venerdì 6 agosto 2021

Certificato COVID-19 UE: facilitare la libera circolazione senza discriminazioni

  • Necessari test universali, accessibili, tempestivi e gratuiti in tutta l'UE
  • I certificati COVID-19 UE non sono documenti di viaggio
  • I Paesi UE non devono imporre quarantene/test ai titolari dei certificati (...)
Passengers wearing face masks at Brussels airport © EU
29/04/2021 - Consumer affairs and public health / Covid-19 / Transport and travel

Parliament adopted its negotiating position on the proposal for a certificate to reaffirm the right to free movement in Europe during the pandemic. MEPs agreed that the new “EU COVID-19 certificate” - instead of Digital Green Certificate, as proposed by the Commission - should be in place for 12 months and not longer.



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