I leader dell'UE si sono riuniti in videoconferenza per fare il punto
della situazione epidemiologica legata alla COVID-19. Hanno discusso
inoltre delle relazioni transatlantiche con il presidente degli Stati
Uniti Joe Biden. Sul tavolo delle discussioni anche la situazione nel
Mediterraneo orientale, le relazioni con la Russia, il mercato unico,
l'agenda digitale e il ruolo internazionale dell'euro. (...)

25/03/2021 - Covid-19 / Economy and the euro / Enlargement, external relations and trade
EU leaders met via video conference to take stock of the COVID-19 epidemiological situation. They also discussed transatlantic relations together with US President Joe Biden. The situation in the Eastern Mediterranean, relations with Russia, the single market, digital agenda and the international role of the euro were also on the agenda.
- Statement of the members of the European Council, 25 March 2021
- Statement by President von der Leyen at the joint press conference with President Michel, following the videoconference of the members of the European Council
- Statement by the members of the Euro Summit
- Introductory remarks by President Charles Michel at the videoconference of EU leaders with US President Biden
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