The European Commission has finalised its reform of the European Long-Term Investment Funds (ELTIFs) rules with the publication of the Commission Delegated Regulation
specifying regulatory technical standards (RTS) on 25 October. ELTIFs
are EU funds that enable investors to invest in real assets, companies
and long-term projects. The revision brings improvements for EU
investors and strengthens EU capital markets. It was part of the
revamped 2021 capital markets union action plan that aimed at unlocking long-term investments in the green and digital transition and driving sustainable growth across the EU. (...)
New Geo-Political Challenges and the Past and Future of EU-Greenland
*Ulla Neergaard*, Professor of EU Law, University of Copenhagen
*Photo credit*: Gordon Leggett, via Wikimedia Commons
*This contribution draws...
10 ore fa
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