mercoledì 16 ottobre 2024

Segnalazione dalla newsletter della Banca Mondiale

M. Ayhan Kose
Deputy Chief Economist and Director of Prospects Group
World Bank

Dear Colleagues,
The world’s 26 poorest economies—home to about 40 percent of all people who live on less than $2.15 a day—are deeper in debt than at any time since 2006 and increasingly vulnerable to natural disasters and other shocks. 
These economies are poorer today on average than they were on the eve of COVID-19, even though the rest of the world has largely recovered. 
We’ve just released a new study, “Fiscal Vulnerabilities in Low-Income Countries (LICs), to shed light on the challenges these economies face. 
The study presents the first systematic assessment of the causes of chronic fiscal weakness in the poorest economies
It finds:
  • A sharp increase in government debt. In 2023 alone, LIC government debt rose by 9 percentage points of GDP on average— the largest annual increase in more than two decades—to 72 percent of GDP. Nearly half of LICs—twice the number in 2015—are either in debt distress or at high risk of it. Not one of them is at low risk. Partly because of elevated interest payments on debt, government spending has shifted away from crucial longer-term priorities, such as health and education. 
  • An inability to unwind large deficits. The COVID-19 pandemic sharply increased spending needs in low-income economies, causing primary deficits to triple to 3.4 percent of GDP in 2020. Since then, low-income economies have been unable to fully unwind these deficits—which stood at 2.4 percent of GDP in 2023, nearly three times the average of other developing economies. The sizable primary deficits that have driven the debt buildup in these economies have reflected expenditure pressures amid persistent revenue weakness.
  • A collapse in external financing. Low-income economies’ ability to attract low-cost financing has largely dried up in recent years: net official development assistance as a share of GDP fell to a 21-year low of 7 percent in 2022, the latest year for which data are available. That has left the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) as their single-largest source of low-cost financing from abroad. In 2022, IDA alone provided nearly half of all the development aid that these low-income economies received from multilateral organizations.
  • High potential for growth and development. LICs enjoy significant potential to boost growth at home and contribute to broader prosperity and peace as well. Several LICs have abundant oil and gas resources, mineral deposits, and significant solar energy and tourism potential. With the right governance, these natural endowments could generate significant growth and revenues. LICs can also reap large dividends as their working-age populations grow significantly over the next half-century, provided their citizens can be equipped with the right capabilities and opportunities. If effectively harnessed, natural resource endowments and demographic dividends could drive economic growth and transformation.
  • A pressing need for comprehensive policy interventions. Well-designed national policy interventions supported by the global community can improve fiscal positions in LICs. National policies should strengthen domestic revenue mobilization, improve spending efficiency, upgrade debt management practices, and foster stronger economic growth. These economies also need stronger help from abroad—both in the form of greater international cooperation on trade and investment and in the form of much larger support for IDA and other international institutions, which can work with the private sector to mobilize additional resources and help facilitate structural reforms.

You can download the study here: “Fiscal Vulnerabilities in Low-Income Countries”. All charts/data featured in the study are available on the report web page. Please forward this message to those who might be interested in this topic. Thank you for your interest in our products. As always, we welcome your comments.

Best, Ayhan

PS: For our periodical products, please visit: Global Economic Prospects, Commodity Markets Outlook and Global Monthly. For our latest work on the problems confronting lower-income developing economies, see The Great Reversal. For our comprehensive study on long-term growth outlook, see Falling Long-Term Growth Prospects. For our databases of potential growth and inflation, see Potential Growth: A Global Database and One-Stop Source: A Global Database of Inflation. For our work on debt challenges, see Global Waves of Debt: Causes and Consequences and A Cross-Country Database of Fiscal Space. For our analytical work on topical policy issues, please visit Policy Research Working Papers.

M. Ayhan Kose
Deputy Chief Economist and Director of Prospects Group
World Bank
T +1 (202) 473-8350
Follow me on Linkedin

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