giovedì 12 settembre 2024

The innovation channel of fiscal consolidation | European Stability Mechanism

Preserving research and development spending during a consolidation will avoid technological divergence in the euro area, and hence fragmentation. 
Investing in innovation is crucial for sustained and sustainable long-term growth and competitiveness, particularly amidst issues brought on by megatrends such as climate change, the push for digital transformation, and population ageing. [1] 
The Covid-19 pandemic and the energy crisis have resulted in higher debt-to-GDP ratios and debt service costs, reducing governments’ fiscal room for manoeuvre. 
Countries with lower R&D spending cut it more than their peers during consolidations, and the private sector did not step up to fill the gap. 
Revenue-based consolidations raising the tax burden for the private sector undermined R&D investment across the board. 
As EU Member States are drawing up their medium-term fiscal-structural plans, they should be attentive to maintaining R&D spending, as failing to do so might fuel an R&D doom-loop for less innovative countries, thus exacerbating divergence and fragmentation. (...)

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