URBACT’s National Practice Transfer journey, Italian style
Between June 2021 and December 2022, seven medium-sized Italian cities (with populations of no more than 60 000) joined the Italian National Practice Transfer Initiative. More specifically, Avellino, Ferrara, Cuneo, Rovereto, Siena, Corigliano-Rossano and Sestri Levante successfully transferred an URBACT Good Practice developed by the commune of Mantua.
The origins of this Good Practice can be traced back to URBACT’s C-Change Transfer Network, for which Mantua and other partner European cities committed themselves to transferring the URBACT Good Practice of Manchester's MAST (the Manchester Arts Sustainability Team).
following examples from the national transfer partners highlight their
experience working together to understand, adapt and reuse the
experiences of C-Change and Mantua. Each municipality has managed to
implement small-scale actions, together with stakeholders at various
levels and from different sectors, to jump-start change in line with the
European Green Deal and the UN 2030 Agenda. (...)
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