mercoledì 28 febbraio 2024

Most EU regions record an increase in real GDP in 2022 - Eurostat

(...) In 2022, real GDP increased in 231 out of 242 EU regions, while decreases were noted in 11  regions. The region with the largest growth in GDP volume was in Algarve in Portugal, with +17.0%. Another Portuguese region ranked second highest, Região Autónoma da Madeira (+14.2%), followed by the Southern region of Ireland (+13.5%), Illes Balears in Spain (+12.5%) and Province Brabant Wallon in Belgium (+10.9%).

The most significant drop was recorded in the Yugoiztochen region in Bulgaria (-3.1%). This was followed by another Bulgarian region, Severozapaden, which recorded a decrease of -1.7%, followed by Corse in France and Észak Magyarország in Hungary (both -1.2%).  (...)

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