lunedì 14 settembre 2020

Segnalazione da REGIOFLASH: il rapporto annuale sull'attività della Politica di Coesione Ue (2019)

This summary brochure gives a brief overview of our achievements in 2019. For example:

  • Over 400 000 firms received support to improve their productivity and competitiveness. As a result, nearly 110 000 direct jobs have been created, sustaining the employment rate in many Member States.
  • With our support, 20 000 firms have collaborated with research institutes and nearly 37 000 researchers have benefited from improved research infrastructure.
  • Over 170 000 households benefit from improved energy performance of their homes.
  • Through cohesion policy, 27.5 million more citizens benefit from modernised health services– from clinics to hospitals.

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