giovedì 25 giugno 2020

La Commissione ha adottato oggi una relazione sulla direttiva quadro sulla strategia per l'ambiente marino (MSFD) | Italia

La Commissione ha adottato oggi una relazione sulla direttiva quadro sulla strategia per l'ambiente marino (MSFD) | Italia

  • 25/06/2020: The Commission adopted the Article 20 report revealing that, while the EU’s framework for marine environmental protection is one of the most comprehensive and ambitious worldwide, it needs to be beefed up to be able to tackle predominant pressures such as overfishing and unsustainable fishing practices, plastic litter, excess nutrients, underwater noise and others types of pollution. The report is accompanied by three annexes supporting the findings of the report.
  • 25/06/2020:the European Environment Agency published its “Marine Messages II” that also provide further insight on the state seas fins themselves in. See the press release.(...)

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