martedì 10 dicembre 2019

The most competitive regions in Europe: capitals take it all | Data | European Structural and Investment Funds

Over the past 10 years, the Regional Competitiveness Index (RCI) has been measuring the major factors of competitiveness in all the regions across the European Union (EU). Comprising 11 different components, it captures concepts that are relevant to sustainable development, productivity and well-being. These components are classified into 3 groups: from the Basic group, including enabling aspects of competitiveness, to the Efficiency, including intermediate aspects, and Innovation, describing the most cutting-edge factors of competitiveness.
This unique Index provides within-country insights which national indices of competitiveness cannot capture. The latest edition of the Index, launched at the European Week of Regions and Cities on 7 October 2019, confirms a polycentric pattern with a wide-ranging variation characterising both countries and regions with a same country. Ten years after the global financial crisis and the north-west, south-east divide across the EU remains both clear and visible. The map is here below interactive, just point to one region to see the region's full name and its score. By choosing the Layers button at the top-right side of the map, you can switch from RCI scores to one of its 3 main components: Basic, Efficiency or Innovation. The different score classes shown by the map are shown in the Legend button, just below the Layers one. (...)

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