Members of the European Committee of the Regions debated the Conference on the Future of Europe on 9 December, voicing support for a process of active listening to citizens - a permanent mechanism of dialogue - and a broad shift towards a more transparent and open way of governance. They also called for cities and regions to be involved in the Conference, an argument supported by MEP Daniel Freund, coordinator of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament's Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO), who said that the involvement of regions and cities would be critical to the success of the Conference. Later that day, the AFCO committee adopted a report on how to shape the Conference, supporting the CoR call to be involved in the process and in favour of a permanent mechanism of dialogue with citizens. (...)
Perspectives on academic freedom: STOA conference highlights the link
between academic freedom, democracy and competitiveness
The European Parliament's Panel for the Future of Science and Technology
(STOA) hosted its fourth annual high-level conference on academic freedom
on 5 Feb...
48 minuti fa
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