martedì 15 ottobre 2019

European Commission - New Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific - European Union Partnership: Chief negotiators agree on economic priorities for future agreement

Meeting in New York today in the margins of the United Nations General Assembly, the chief negotiators Commissioner Mimica and Togolese Minister Robert Dussey further specified the economic framework of future relations between African, Caribbean and Pacific countries with the European Union after 2020. (...)

What is the Cotonou Partnership Agreement between the EU and African, Caribbean and Pacific countries?
The Cotonou Partnership Agreement is the legal framework ruling relations between the EU and 79 countries in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP). It is one of the oldest and most comprehensive frameworks of cooperation between the EU and third countries. Signed in 2000 for a period of 20 years, the Agreement unites more than one hundred countries (EU member states + 79 ACP countries) and represents over 1.5 billion people.
The EU-ACP partnership focuses on the eradication of poverty and inclusive sustainable development for ACP and EU countries. It is divided into three key action areas: development co-operation, political dialogue and trade.
Cotonou Agreement (available in all 24 EU languages) (...)

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