The European Commission has today adopted a report on the application and implementation of the Enforcement Directive on Posting of Workers in the EU Member States.
Directive entered into force in 2014 and provides key tools to fight
circumvention and abuse of EU rules on posting of workers.
The report
shows that by now, all Member States have transposed the Enforcement
Directive into national law, leading to improved enforcement of the
rules on posting of workers across the EU. “Enforcing rules on posting is essential to protect workers and for the smooth functioning of the single market. It's
very good news to see that all Member States now apply the rules and
increasingly make use of the tools in place to improve cooperation
across borders.”, said Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Marianne Thyssen.
Based on the evaluation exercise, the Commission report concludes that
it is not necessary to propose amendments to the Directive at this
stage. Nonetheless, the implementation by Member States can be improved
in some areas, such as decreasing the administrative burden. The
Commission will continue working with the Member States to ensure that
the Directive is completely and correctly transposed and applied across
The European Labour Authority, which is expected to launch
operations in October, will play a key role in fighting abuse in this
field and will provide support to all actors involved. In addition, the
Commission has also published today a guidance document helping workers, employers and national authorities in understanding the rules on posting of workers, as set out by the Posting of Workers Directive, the Enforcement Directive on Posting of Workers and Directive (EU) 2018/957 amending the Posting of Workers Directive.
This understanding is essential to ensure that workers are aware of
their rights and that the rules are correctly and consistently applied
throughout the EU by national authorities and employers. The guidance
will be updated when needed and is available online. More information is available in this Q&A. (For more information: Christian Wigand - Tel.: +32 229 62253; Sara Soumillion - Tel.: +32 229-67094)
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