mercoledì 25 settembre 2019

#EESCplenary: EESC president Luca Jahier and European Parliament vice-president Klára Dobrev together for a stronger, safer and happier Europe | European Economic and Social Committee

The September plenary session of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) hosted a debate where the Committee's president, Luca Jahier, reiterated his priorities for the future of Europe and the European Parliament vice-president, Klára Dobrev, presented the institution's focus for the 2019-2024 legislature.

The EESC president, Luca Jahier, addressed the European Parliament vice-president, Klára Dobrev, and underlined the importance of being closer to European citizens, strengthening democracy and increasing civic participation in EU policy-making, while at the same time demonstrating that Europe is committed to delivering results.(...)

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