Today the Commission has launched a new call for expression of interest
to join the eHealth Stakeholder Group for the period of 2019-2022 (deadline: 27.9.2019, n.d.r.)
part of the EU's commitment to engage stakeholders in public
policymaking, the Group will bring together eHealth experts that will
contribute to the implementation of the Communication on enabling the digital transformation of health and care in the Digital Single Market.
They will also provide input on various aspects of digital
transformation of healthcare in the EU, for example in the areas of
health data, including access to health data across borders, and artificial intelligence in healthcare, as well as cybersecurity, data protection and privacy issues.
Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, said: “During
the five past years I have engaged with a number of patients, policy
makers and stakeholders. We all agree that digital technologies can help
us achieve better health for all. This is why I am particularly glad to
welcome new members with the skills and expertise to help us implement
the eHealth Action Plan and strengthen health and care across Europe.” Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, added:“We
must strive to advance our research on disease prevention, enable
personalised care and provide Europeans with secure access to their
health data across borders. The Commission will continue its support for
the enhanced use of digital technologies in healthcare to benefit
citizens around the EU.” The call for expressions of interest will be open until 27 September 2019. More information on the call is available here.(For
more information: Christian Wigand – Tel: +32 229 62253; Anca Paduraru -
Tel.: +32 229 91269; Marietta Grammenou - Tel.: +32 229 83583)
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