27/06/2019 - Business, taxation and competition
Eurobarometer survey published today shows that just a few months after
the new rules on geo-blocking started to apply, 50% of EU citizens are
generally aware of EU action to tackle unjustified discrimination by
traders. However, more efforts are needed to ensure wider knowledge of
the specific digital rights enshrined in EU law, since only 29% of
respondents know which rights specifically concern them.
- Eurobarometer survey
- Geo-blocking FAQ
- Interactive map showing the state of play with implementation of the geo-blocking regulation in each EU country
- More information on the Digital Single Market
- Collegamento al testo in Italiano (A 7 mesi dall'entrata in vigore delle nuove norme contro i blocchi geografici ingiustificati, si registra già tra i consumatori un'elevata conoscenza generale delle nuove norme contro le restrizioni agli acquisti online e alle vendite transfrontaliere.(...))
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