20/06/2019 - Business, taxation and competition / EU regional and urban development
of June 2019, the deals approved under the Juncker Plan amount to €75
billion in financing and are located in all 28 Member States. Some
952,000 start-ups and small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) are
expected to benefit from improved access to finance.
- Juncker Plan results for each Member State
- More information on the InvestEU Programme
- Risultati ottenuti per Paese (e, in particolare, la ripartizione per paese del finanziamento del FEIS approvato dal gruppo BEI, l'ammontare dell'investimento innescato dal finanziamento del FEIS e la classifica per paese in base agli investimenti totali previsti dal FEIS in proporzione al PIL (al giugno 2019): collegamento
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