18/03/2019 - Research and innovation
of the 21-22 March European Council discussion on innovation, industry
and competitiveness, the Commission takes decisive steps to set up a
European Innovation Council (EIC).
- Questions and answers on the EIC
- An innovators' guide to benefit from the EIC
- Factsheet – EU research and innovation success stories
- More information on the Horizon Europe webpage
- (...) Today the Commission announces important steps that will ramp up the remaining two years of the pilot phase of the EIC. Over €2 billion of funding in 2019-2020: covering the innovation chain: “pathfinder” projects to support advanced technologies from the research base (opens tomorrow); and “accelerator” funding to support startups and SMEs develop and scale up innovations to the stage where they can attract private investment (open in June). Under the “accelerator” funding companies will be able to access blended financing (grants and equity) of up to €15 million. (...)
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