L'anno di attività 2009 dell'ufficio UE Antifrode (OLAF):
(...) In 2009, OLAF opened 220 cases, an increase compared to 2008 when 204 cases were opened. Systemic weakness found in a new agency, misuse of parliamentary expenses by an ex-MEP, and investigation of a possible systemic fraud within the SAPARD programme are examples of investigations presented in the Activity Report of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) that is being presented today.
The 2009 Report records the tangible results achieved across a wide range of areas under the leadership of the late Director General of OLAF, Franz-Hermann Brüner. The Report concentrates on OLAF's independent operational work, and presents a number of concrete case studies showing the nature and the benefits of OLAF's work in greater detail. Nicholas Ilett, acting Director General, said “under Mr Brüner’s leadership, OLAF developed into a multi-disciplinary administration with all-round anti-fraud competences, in investigation, cooperation and coordination, analysis, prevention and deterrence. The challenges for the future are the challenges of success, to maintain the Office’s effectiveness at a time when the threat is growing faster than the resources available to combat it; and to ensure the operational continuity of an independent service against a background of necessary reform.” (...)
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