mercoledì 9 giugno 2010

EUROPA - Press Releases - EIB Governors: Bank to maintain support to EU economy in 2010

(...) The Board of Governors of the European Investment Bank (EIB) in its annual meeting on Tuesday agreed to focus lending activity in 2010 on those projects that are likely to have greatest impact on economic recovery and jobs. Larger EU corporations are experiencing an improvement in their access to capital markets and funding and are not expected to make as much use of EIB finance as they did in 2009. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) access to finance however remains difficult and will remain a priority for the EIB in 2010. EIB Governors also encouraged the Bank to continue its policy of meeting market gaps by increasing the ceiling for Special Activities,from EUR 6.35 billion achieved in 2009 to EUR 8 billion. The overall lending target for 2010 was set at EUR 66 billion. (...)

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