mercoledì 9 giugno 2010

EUROPA - Press Releases - Combating tax fraud and harmful tax practices: Commissioner Šemeta welcomes two important agreements in ECOFIN

(...) Commissioner Šemeta has welcomed today’s agreement by EU finance ministers on a proposal which will help greatly in the fight against tax evasion and fraud.
The proposal to revise the Regulation on administrative cooperation in VAT sets out a series of measures to extend and reinforce the exchange of information and cooperation between tax authorities.
These include a common approach to the registration/deregistration process of VAT taxable persons, a precise definition on the information to be exchanged between Member States and increased security on the information given to taxpayers seeking to confirm VAT numbers.
A key element of the proposal is a legal base to establish Eurofisc, a network for closer cooperation and faster information exchange between Member States to detect fraudsters.
VAT fraud is a serious problem in the EU; losses in VAT receipts from fraud are estimated to be around 10% every year.(...)

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