martedì 24 settembre 2024

Segnalazione da ECB Research Bullettin

(...) the latest issue (No. 122) of the ECB Research Bulletin, entitled "Consumer demand for central bank digital currency as a means of payment”.

Luca Nocciola (Directorate General Market Infrastructures and Payments, European Central Bank) and Alejandro Zamora-Pérez (Directorate General Banknotes, European Central Bank) analyse payment survey data to arrive at a framework for understanding the role of adoption frictions and design strategies in shaping CBDC demand


The results of their analysis show that, while consumers may initially prefer to use more traditional payment methods, a design tailored to their specific needs could significantly increase CBDC uptake. Raising awareness and capitalising on network effects could also boost demand for CBDC.

The ECB Research Bulletin features a selection of recent work on policy-relevant topics by ECB economists. Published on a monthly basis, the articles in the Research Bulletin are intended for a general audience. The views expressed in each article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the European Central Bank and the Eurosystem. (...)

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