Using a qualitative case-study approach, we assess the barriers and
policy challenges that companies in the EU battery sector face in
implementing circularity. The study involves a sample of 20 companies
drawn from a combination of purposeful and snowball sampling methods.
Empirical data were collected through in-depth interviews. The results
show that the EU’s revised policy framework for batteries, high-level
strategies and financial support for research projects can be enabling
factors for adopting circularity approaches. At the same time,
interviews reveal uncertainties about the requirements of the EU
Batteries Regulation on data sharing, responsibility for end-of-life
(EoL) battery management and carbon footprint. Other key concerns
identified are the complex cross-border movement of EoL batteries, the
lack of ecodesign requirements and inconsistent waste classification
frameworks. Our results suggest that the EU policy mix affecting battery
circularity extends to various domains, which highlights the importance
of ensuring coherence between instruments and objectives. (...)
Canada’s new sanctioned property reporting obligations in force
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