giovedì 18 aprile 2024

Support service for Citizen-led renovation – open call for participants

The support service for Citizen-led renovation initiative aims to empower energy communities and put citizens in the driving-seat for energy efficiency renovations. It is inviting energy communities to participate in the initiative. Whether they are well-established, newly founded or still in the planning phase, all energy communities can respond to the call for participation, launched on 10 April 2024.

Selected participants will benefit from tailored capacity building, technical and support for communication matters regarding the project or community to implement their citizen-led renovation project.  

Scadenza: 31 Maggio

Infodays: 23 aprile (16-17) e 14 maggio (16-17) per fornire ulteriori approfondimenti sul concept del bando e offrire una panoramica del supporto, saranno organizzati due webinar informativi che, in aggiunta, approfondiranno il processo di candidatura ed i progetti pilota esistenti.

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