martedì 4 aprile 2023

Joint Employment Report 2023

Joint Employment Report 2023 
The 2023 JER maintains a strong focus on the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights, in line with the Action Plan of March 2021 welcomed by the EU Leaders in the Porto Social Summit. 
The reinforced monitoring of the implementation of the Pillar principles in the areas of equal opportunities and access to the labour market, fair working conditions and social protection and inclusion is continued in this edition of the report. 
This is done notably via thematic boxes covering key challenges in these areas, in light of the socio-economic outlook and most recent policy initiatives. 
The report integrates the 2030 EU headline targets on employment, skills, and poverty reduction welcomed by the EU leaders in Porto and by the June 2021 European Council. 
It also covers for the first time the national targets put forward by the Member States, as presented and discussed in the June 2022 EPSCO Council following a process of bilateral discussions with the Commission services and multilateral reviews with the Employment Committee and the Social Protection Committee. 
The report further incorporates the objectives of the Union of Equality strategies and covers the challenges faced by groups affected by inequalities. (...)

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