mercoledì 22 marzo 2023

Segnalazione da BCE Bollettino di Ricerca -ECB Research Bullettin

... the latest issue (No. 105) of the ECB Research Bulletin, (is, n.d.r.) entitled "Understanding the impact of COVID-19 supply disruptions on exporters in global value chains".

Laura Lebastard and Roberta Serafini (both Directorate General Economics, European Central Bank) find that participation in global value chains increased firms’ vulnerability to the pandemic shock, in terms of both export sales and probability of survival in the export market – especially when supply bottlenecks were more salient. 
Firms located relatively more downstream in the value chain were more severely affected by supply disruptions. 
At the same time, their results suggest that exporting firms benefited from sourcing their core inputs from different countries, supporting the hypothesis that diversification in global value chains fosters supply chain resilience.

The ECB Research Bulletin features a selection of recent work on policy-relevant topics by ECB economists. Published on a monthly basis, the articles in the Research Bulletin are intended for a general audience. The views expressed in each article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the European Central Bank and the Eurosystem. (...)

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