lunedì 28 dicembre 2020

Segnalazione dal COR - Consultazione pubblica della Commissione europea sulla revisione degli orientamenti sugli aiuti di Stato per l'ambiente e l'energia (EEAG).

The purpose of this consultation is to allow interested parties to comment on the design of future EEAGs that will apply from 1 January 2022 and the related Articles 36 to 49 of the General Block Exemption Regulation.
The first part of the consultation addresses the options for defining compatibility conditions to ensure the necessity of the aid, proportionality and limitation of distortions. (...)
The second part of the consultation focuses on options for energy intensive user support. (...)
There is an Inception Impact Assessment (the Roadmap) and a questionnaire which can be found here. The public consultation will last until 7 January 2021.

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