Eurostat regional yearbook 2009
"Statistical information is essential for understanding our complex and rapidly changing world. Eurostat regional yearbook 2009 offers a wealth of information on life in the European regions in the 27 Member States of the European Union and in the candidate countries and EFTA countries. If you would like to dig deeper into the way the regions of Europe are evolving in a number of statistical domains, this publication is for you! The texts are written by specialists in the different statistical domains and are accompanied by statistical maps, figures and tables on each subject. A broad set of regional data are presented on the following themes: population, European cities, labour market, gross domestic product, household accounts, structural business statistics, information society, science, technology and innovation, education, tourism and agriculture. The publication is available in German, English and French."
European Business: Facts and figures - 2009 edition (22.10.09)
Quarterly panorama of European business statistics (18.12.09)
SMEs were the main drivers of economic growth between 2004 and 2006 - Issue number 71/2009 (10.09.09);
Internet usage in 2009 - Households and Individuals - Issue number 46/2009; One person in two in the EU27 uses the internet daily (08.12.09)
Science, technology and innovation in Europe. Data 2008-09 (17.10.09)
EU-27 imports of telecom products increased by 61% over 2000-2008 - Issue number 103/2009 (24.12.09)
Large differences in GDP and consumption per inhabitant across Europe - Issue number 95/2009 (15.12.09)
Euro area GDP up by 0.4% and EU27 GDP up by 0.3% (03.12.09)
Recession in the EU-27: length and depth of the downturn varies across activities and countries - Issue number 97/2009 (21.12.09)
Eurostatistics Data for short-term economic analysis - Issue number 12/2009 (18.12.09)
EU27 current account deficit 33.3 bn euro (11.12.09)
Euro area employment down by 0.5% (14.12.09)
The impact of the crisis on employment - Issue number 79/2009 (05.11.09)
Euro area unemployment rate stable at 9.8% (01.12.09)
Unemployment rate, quarterly average, by sex and age groups (%) (24.11.09)
Persisting weakness in the EU labour market - Issue number 87/2009 (20.11.09)
Euro area hourly labour costs rose by 3.2% (15.12.09)
Fewer hours worked and more part-time work in the EU27 (05.11.09)
Net expenditure on social protection benefits - Issue number 102/2009 (23.12.09)
Household expenditure per inhabitant, by category (05.12.09)
EU27 real agricultural income per worker down by 12.2% (18.12.09)
A statistical portrait of the lifestyle of young people (10.12.09)
Youth in Europe (05.12.09)
First demographic estimates for 2009 - Issue number 47/2009 (15.12.09)
Citizens of European countries account for the majority of the foreign population in EU-27 in 2008 - Issue number 94/2009; Foreign citizens made up 6% of the EU27 population (16.12.09)
Euro area annual inflation up to 0.5% (16.12.09)
Euro area inflation estimated at 0.9% (05.01.10)
Harmonized indices of consumer prices . November 2009 - Issue number 50/2009 (23.12.09)
Euro-Mediterranean Statistics (02.10.09)
Sustainable development in the European Union (30.11.09)
Energy - monthly statistics - Issue number 11/2009 (21.11.09)
Energy, transport and environment indicators (18.12.09)
Natural gas prices for first semester 2009 - Issue number 49/2009 (22.12.09)
Electricity prices for first semester 2009 - Issue number 48/2009 (21.12.09)
Industrial import prices - consumer non-durables (22.11.09)
Industrial producer prices up by 0.1% in euro area (06.01.10)
Industrial new orders down by 2.2% in euro area (06.01.10)
Construction output down by 0.6% in the euro area (17.12.09)
"Statistical information is essential for understanding our complex and rapidly changing world. Eurostat regional yearbook 2009 offers a wealth of information on life in the European regions in the 27 Member States of the European Union and in the candidate countries and EFTA countries. If you would like to dig deeper into the way the regions of Europe are evolving in a number of statistical domains, this publication is for you! The texts are written by specialists in the different statistical domains and are accompanied by statistical maps, figures and tables on each subject. A broad set of regional data are presented on the following themes: population, European cities, labour market, gross domestic product, household accounts, structural business statistics, information society, science, technology and innovation, education, tourism and agriculture. The publication is available in German, English and French."
European Business: Facts and figures - 2009 edition (22.10.09)
Quarterly panorama of European business statistics (18.12.09)
SMEs were the main drivers of economic growth between 2004 and 2006 - Issue number 71/2009 (10.09.09);
Internet usage in 2009 - Households and Individuals - Issue number 46/2009; One person in two in the EU27 uses the internet daily (08.12.09)
Science, technology and innovation in Europe. Data 2008-09 (17.10.09)
EU-27 imports of telecom products increased by 61% over 2000-2008 - Issue number 103/2009 (24.12.09)
Large differences in GDP and consumption per inhabitant across Europe - Issue number 95/2009 (15.12.09)
Euro area GDP up by 0.4% and EU27 GDP up by 0.3% (03.12.09)
Recession in the EU-27: length and depth of the downturn varies across activities and countries - Issue number 97/2009 (21.12.09)
Eurostatistics Data for short-term economic analysis - Issue number 12/2009 (18.12.09)
EU27 current account deficit 33.3 bn euro (11.12.09)
Euro area employment down by 0.5% (14.12.09)
The impact of the crisis on employment - Issue number 79/2009 (05.11.09)
Euro area unemployment rate stable at 9.8% (01.12.09)
Unemployment rate, quarterly average, by sex and age groups (%) (24.11.09)
Persisting weakness in the EU labour market - Issue number 87/2009 (20.11.09)
Euro area hourly labour costs rose by 3.2% (15.12.09)
Fewer hours worked and more part-time work in the EU27 (05.11.09)
Net expenditure on social protection benefits - Issue number 102/2009 (23.12.09)
Household expenditure per inhabitant, by category (05.12.09)
EU27 real agricultural income per worker down by 12.2% (18.12.09)
A statistical portrait of the lifestyle of young people (10.12.09)
Youth in Europe (05.12.09)
First demographic estimates for 2009 - Issue number 47/2009 (15.12.09)
Citizens of European countries account for the majority of the foreign population in EU-27 in 2008 - Issue number 94/2009; Foreign citizens made up 6% of the EU27 population (16.12.09)
Euro area annual inflation up to 0.5% (16.12.09)
Euro area inflation estimated at 0.9% (05.01.10)
Harmonized indices of consumer prices . November 2009 - Issue number 50/2009 (23.12.09)
Euro-Mediterranean Statistics (02.10.09)
Sustainable development in the European Union (30.11.09)
Energy - monthly statistics - Issue number 11/2009 (21.11.09)
Energy, transport and environment indicators (18.12.09)
Natural gas prices for first semester 2009 - Issue number 49/2009 (22.12.09)
Electricity prices for first semester 2009 - Issue number 48/2009 (21.12.09)
Industrial import prices - consumer non-durables (22.11.09)
Industrial producer prices up by 0.1% in euro area (06.01.10)
Industrial new orders down by 2.2% in euro area (06.01.10)
Construction output down by 0.6% in the euro area (17.12.09)
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