sabato 24 settembre 2016

Segnalazione da Health and Food Safety e-News

Action on Antimicrobial resistance in EU/EEA Members States: Good progress but more to do.

The Commission today published a report prepared by the University of Bordeaux on the implementation of the Council recommendation of 15 November 2001 (2002/77/EC) on the prudent use of antimicrobial agents in human medicine. The report is based on questionnaires completed by EU and EEA Member States in 2015, which were analysed by the Bordeaux researchers.
20 out of the 29 countries providing information for the report had defined a strategy to promote prudent use of antimicrobial agents and contain antimicrobial resistance; six reported that they were in the process of developing strategies and /or actions plans and 3 had neither an AMR strategy nor a plan to create one.
In most countries action plans included measures regarding surveillance, prudent use of antimicrobial agents, information and education. Detection and control of outbreaks, research and the use of rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) were also commonly included. Nursing homes and long term care facilities were covered by 14 out of the 21 action plans.
The Recommendation (2002/77/EC) aims to address the threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and asks Member States to develop strategies comprising measures in relation to surveillance, education, information, prevention and control, and research. The report published today will feed into work on establishing new EU initiatives to take forward EU action against the rising threat from antimicrobial resistance.

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