mercoledì 18 marzo 2015

Il nuovo Small Business Act for Europe 2014

E' stato recentemente pubblicato il Report sulla Consultazione Pubblica relativa allo SBA nel 2014.
Cosa rimane al centro dell'attenzione delle imprese e delle parti interessate:
- gli oneri legali ed amministrativi e la partecipazione al processo legislativo;
- l'accesso al credito ed il bisogno di un uso efficiente degli strumenti esistenti;
- l'accesso ai mercati e la necessità di creare più sinergia fra i programmi esistenti;
- la promozione dell'imprenditorialità dallo stadio iniziale dei processi educativi ed il supporto  alle start-up dei giovani;
- affrontare con decisione il problema della mancanza di "skills" nelle PMI
(...) 4. Conclusion
The high number of responses to the on-line survey on the future of the EU SME policy confirms the stakeholders’ interest and support for further EU action in favour of SMEs.
The large majority of responses came from entrepreneurs, most of them self-employed or running a microenterprise as well as from business associations, which represent a large number of SMEs. Their replies confirm the high expectations for a renewed strategy for SMEs with a special focus on the five priority areas identified by the SME Envoy Network.
The concrete measures subject to consultation were appreciated by the respondents and received very high scores, in particular in the areas of administrative burden reduction and skills development.
The administrative and legislative burden remains the top concern for stakeholders. The proposal on stepping up the consultation of stakeholders was also highly “demanded”, especially regarding the conception and preparation of new legislative and policy initiatives.
Access to finance remains difficult despite the actions taken both at the EU and Member States’ level. The respondents stressed the need to make a more efficient use of the existing instruments, particularly of COSME financial instruments.
Replies show that further efforts are required in the area of access to market as regards creating better synergies between existing programmes, especially EU programmes.
Promoting entrepreneurship at an “early stage”, (e.g. entrepreneurship education, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs) and supporting youth start-ups are also key actions.
Finally, results show that there is a strong support on the need to tackle the lack of skills in SMEs.
Il nuovo Small Business Act for Europe 2014: link all'area tematica

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